Latest news from Invasions
We shall give you more information about some new projects now underway with the design team, as we have half a dozen of brand new thematics to offer you. Some are at different stages of completion, from the general concept and ideas to the drawing of some of the game’s elements. As an example, and a teaser, here below are …
While the digital game was being worked on the code base, the design team worked on porting two games on the physical world, with boardgame versions of both Corsica and Hispania to be presented “live” during the next boardgame convention BELLOTA VII at Badajoz, Spain, from January 25 to 28th, 2024. Photos and videos will be published during Q1 2024 …
The beginning of the year was difficult, with one team member having left the project and the other less available due to other tasks, we finally setup an agreement with the Spanish Team Pixel Ratio (who already worked with us on other projects such as Fleet Commander and Blocks) to take over the remaining part of the engine, the multiplayer …
Invasions - Britannia
Live over a thousand years of Britain’s early history in this epic game of conquest and rule.
$29.99 $24.99