The beginning of the year was difficult, with one team member having left the project and the other less available due to other tasks, we finally setup an agreement with the Spanish Team Pixel Ratio (who already worked with us on other projects such as Fleet Commander and Blocks) to take over the remaining part of the engine, the multiplayer (MP) feature.
After a few weeks of analyzing the code and setting up the architecture, development has resumed this autumn and the first part of the multiplayer function is now operational and working. Our Spanish team has made quite a few tests, in different configurations
The next steps that will take a few more weeks of testing and checking will be assigned to the chat function, friends invite (via Steam), and various debugging and balancing.
And last, but not least, important stage will be devoted to “scenarization”, i.e. how to display AI or other players’ actions to the different humans actors in a multiplayer game.
The goal is to have MP functions fully available by end of Q1 next year, so the Britannia game can leave the Early Access and become fully completed project.

Future Games
At the moment, two other games are in beta development stages for the computer version, Hispania and Corsica.
Pixel Ratio team will work on those two games’ specific features (such as cities and castles new units, or different ways of scoring VPs), with both games scheduled to release during 2024.