Here is a first batch of screenshots for this future game that depicts the two thousand years of history of the Island of Beauty.
Corsica is an historical strategic game for 4 players covering the hectic history of the beautiful island of Corsica.
In a typical game of Corsica, during 16 game rounds players will take command of the different nations that invaded and partially or fully controlled the island between 556 BC, when the Ancient Greeks first settled the spot of Aleria on the eastern coast, and 1796 AD, when the island finally fell under French control.
Corsica is our current adaptation of the game originally designed by Ruben Navarro (never published but under Wisdom Owl license – see also on BoardGameGeek).
The original boardgame used most of the rules of Britannia, with some changes that we have adapted to our Invasions engine, in order to get a fun and fast game of almost 2,000 years of history.